An Optica study reports that physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology were able to transfer data across more than sixty miles of fiber optic cable.
Telecommunications technology is constantly evolving in today’s world. Over the last decade or so, fiber optic teleportation provided us with instant communication opportunities in the form of text messaging and video calling. With so many new scientific innovations being made, it’s very possible that forms of data teleportation will be introduced in the near future. An Optica study reports that physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology were able to transfer data across more than sixty miles of fiber optic cable. This information teleportation will provide new forms of data encryption and revolutionize communication security. For more explanation on teleportation processes, check out the article from How Stuff Works.
Efficient Communication Technologies
As users, we’re looking forward to enhancing long distance communication experiences as technology continues to evolve. Premises Systems strives to provide organizations with the latest scientific breakthroughs in communication teleportation technology and make them straightforward to manage. With organized network services and internet telecommunication equipment, we strengthen and optimize your organization’s broadband. We keep you up to date in maximizing your connection through VoIP programs that are built for the modern industry. For a free quote for our services and to receive a free demo from our VoIP technicians, see our online form or call (248) 363-0900.