Here at Premises Systems, we automate and streamline your business’ network, allowing complete control over your data and telecommunications systems – saving you time and money. You’ll be partnering with one of the most reliable and knowledgeable companies in the industry. Just as you desire to stay focused on the task at hand, let our Door Buzzer system help you maintain your concentration.
Door buzzer security devices allow you the option to unlock the door based on a two-way conversation with someone outside of your establishment.
This Door Buzzer feature extends the ability to incorporate an analog phone line into your door entrance. Door buzzer security devices allow you the option to unlock the door based on a two-way conversation with someone outside of your establishment. This security feature also enables the user to remain seated and on task with current projects without the disruption of answering the front door. It’s possible that your guest is looking for someone else in the building, which presents the opportunity to utilize the VoIP intercom/page feature – all from one place!
Modern Internet Telecommunication
Premises Systems communication devices and services are easy to modify in order to help your business meet the broadband communication standards of today. Our ShoreTel IP phones and internet communication equipment provided by our technicians will help create a manageable system that maximizes the efficiency of communication and keeps your information protected.
To receive your free quote and demo, complete our online contact form or call us at (248) 363-0900.